

Self-Extending Peer Data Management

14 years 8 months ago
Self-Extending Peer Data Management
Abstract: Peer data management systems (PDMS) are the natural extension of integrated information systems. Conventionally, a single integrating system manages an integrated schema, distributes queries to appropriate sources, and integrates incoming data to a common result. In contrast, a PDMS consists of a set of peers, each of which can play the role of an integrating component. A peer knows about its neighboring peers by mappings, which help to translate queries and transform data. Queries submitted to one peer are answered by data residing at that peer and by data that is reached along paths of mappings through the network of peers. The only restriction for PDMS to cover unbounded data is the need to formulate at least one mapping from some known peer to a new data source. We propose a Semantic Web based method that overcomes this restriction, albeit at a price. As sources are dynamically and automatically included in a PDMS, three factors diminish quality: The new source itself mig...
Ralf Heese, Sven Herschel, Felix Naumann, Armin Ro
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where BTW
Authors Ralf Heese, Sven Herschel, Felix Naumann, Armin Roth
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