

Self management of a mobile thin client service

14 years 8 months ago
Self management of a mobile thin client service
Mobile thin client computing is an enabler for the execution of demanding applications from mobile handhelds. In thin client computing, the application is executed on remote servers and the mobile handheld only has to display the graphical updates and send input from the user to the remote execution environment. To guarantee a high user experience in a mobile environment, a Service Management Framework is required to prevent users observing lower Quality of Experience due to changes in the available network, server and client resources. Therefore, the Service Management Framework monitors the environment and the Self Management component intervenes when necessary, e.g. by adapting the thin client protocol settings or moving a user session from one server to another. The design of the Self Management component is presented and the performance is evaluated. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures—Domainspecific architectures General Te...
Lien Deboosere, Bert Vankeirsbilck, Pieter Simoens
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Lien Deboosere, Bert Vankeirsbilck, Pieter Simoens, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester
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