

Self-organising Sensor Web using Cell-Fate Optimisation

14 years 18 days ago
Self-organising Sensor Web using Cell-Fate Optimisation
The Sensor Web as an open complex adaptive system exhibits many characteristic that are common to selforganising systems. One of the characteristics of the Sensor Web is that of self-adaptivity in a changing environment. The changing environment may be doing so both dynamically and stochastically. When presented by a dynamic and stochastic changing environment, such as a sensor resource unexpectedly going down, a self-adaptive system should exhibit robustness. Cell-fate optimisation and signal regulatory networks provide a mechanism for self-organisation of agents in environments that are dynamic, distributed and possibly stochastic. Cell-fate optimisation and signal regulatory networks are shown to be effective mechanisms not only for addressing robustness but also for addressing adaptivity in the sensor web in general.
Terence L. van Zyl, Elizabeth Marie Ehlers
Added 20 Feb 2011
Updated 20 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Terence L. van Zyl, Elizabeth Marie Ehlers
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