

Self-stabilizing and Byzantine-Tolerant Overlay Network

14 years 1 months ago
Self-stabilizing and Byzantine-Tolerant Overlay Network
Network overlays have been the subject of intensive research in recent years. The paper presents an overlay structure, S-Fireflies, that is self-stabilizing and is robust against permanent Byzantine faults. The overlay structure has a logarithmic diameter with high probability, which matches the diameter of less robust overlays. The overlay can withstand high churn without affecting the ability of active and correct members to disseminate their messages. The construction uses a randomized technique to choose the neighbors of each member, while limiting the ability of Byzantine members to affect the randomization or to disturb the construction. The basic ideas generalize the original Fireflies construction that withstands Byzantine failures but was not self-stabilizing.
Danny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch, Robbert van Renesse
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Danny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch, Robbert van Renesse
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