

Self-stabilizing Mobile Node Location Management and Message Routing

14 years 7 months ago
Self-stabilizing Mobile Node Location Management and Message Routing
We present simple algorithms for achieving self-stabilizing location management and routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. While mobile clients may be susceptible to corruption and stopping failures, mobile networks are often deployed with a reliable GPS oracle, supplying frequent updates of accurate real time and location information to mobile nodes. Information from a GPS oracle provides an external, shared source of consistency for mobile nodes, allowing them to label and timestamp messages, and hence aiding in identification of, and eventual recovery from, corruption and failures. Our algorithms use a GPS oracle. Our algorithms also take advantage of the Virtual Stationary Automata programming abstraction, consisting of mobile clients, virtual timed machines called virtual stationary automata (VSAs), and a local broadcast service connecting VSAs and mobile clients. VSAs are distributed at known locations over the plane, and emulated in a self-stabilizing manner by the mobile nodes in ...
Shlomi Dolev, Limor Lahiani, Nancy A. Lynch, Tina
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SSS
Authors Shlomi Dolev, Limor Lahiani, Nancy A. Lynch, Tina Nolte
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