

A Semantic Approach to Integrating XML and Structured Data Sources

14 years 6 months ago
A Semantic Approach to Integrating XML and Structured Data Sources
XML is fast becoming the standard for information exchange on the Internet. As such, information expressed in XML will need to be integrated with existing information systems, which are mostly based on structured data models such as relational, object-oriented or object/relational data models. This paper shows how our previous framework for integrating heterogeneous structured data sources can also be used for integrating XML data sources with each other and/or with other structured data sources. In our approach, the constructs and transformations of modelling languages such as ER, XML etc. are de ned in terms of the constructs and transformations of a lower-level graphbased data model. This allows constructs from multiple modelling languages to co-exist within the same intermediate schema, thus avoiding the need for a high-level common data model and the semantic mismatches that this can bring about. Transformations between schemas are expressed as sequences of primitive transformati...
Peter McBrien, Alexandra Poulovassilis
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Peter McBrien, Alexandra Poulovassilis
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