

A semantic matchmaker service on the grid

15 years 15 days ago
A semantic matchmaker service on the grid
A fundamental task on the Grid is to decide what jobs to run on what computing resources based on job or application requirements. Our previous work on ontology-based matchmaking discusses a resource matchmaking mechanism using Semantic Web technologies. We extend our previous work to provide dynamic access to such matchmaking capability by building a persistent online matchmaking service. Our implementation uses the Globus Toolkit for the Grid service development, and exploits the monitoring and discovery service in the Grid infrastructure to dynamically discover and update resource information. We describe the architecture of our semantic matchmaker service in the poster. Keywords Grid services; Semantic Web; networking and distributed web applications; resource allocation; resource selection General Terms Design Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Distributed applications
Andreas Harth, Stefan Decker, Yu He, Hongsuda Tang
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Andreas Harth, Stefan Decker, Yu He, Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit, Carl Kesselman
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