

Semantically Enhanced Containers for Concurrent Real-Time Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Semantically Enhanced Containers for Concurrent Real-Time Systems
Future space missions, such as Mars Science Laboratory, are built upon computing platforms providing a high degree of autonomy and diverse functionality. The increased sophistication of robotic spacecraft has skyrocketed the complexity and cost of its software development and validation. The engineering of autonomous spacecraft software relies on the availability and application of advanced methods and tools that deliver safe concurrent synchronization as well as enable the validation of domainspecific semantic invariants. The software design and certification methodologies applied at NASA do not reach the level of detail of providing guidelines for the development of reliable concurrent software. To achieve effective and safe concurrent interactions as well as guarantee critical domain-specific properties in code, we introduce the notion of a Semantically Enhanced Container (SEC). A SEC is a data structure engineered to deliver the flexibility and usability of the popular ISO C++...
Damian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Nicolas Rouquett
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ECBS
Authors Damian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Nicolas Rouquette, Bjarne Stroustrup
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