

Semantically Smooth Knowledge Graph Embedding

8 years 10 months ago
Semantically Smooth Knowledge Graph Embedding
This paper considers the problem of embedding Knowledge Graphs (KGs) consisting of entities and relations into lowdimensional vector spaces. Most of the existing methods perform this task based solely on observed facts. The only requirement is that the learned embeddings should be compatible within each individual fact. In this paper, aiming at further discovering the intrinsic geometric structure of the embedding space, we propose Semantically Smooth Embedding (SSE). The key idea of SSE is to take full advantage of additional semantic information and enforce the embedding space to be semantically smooth, i.e., entities belonging to the same semantic category will lie close to each other in the embedding space. Two manifold learning algorithms Laplacian Eigenmaps and Locally Linear Embedding are used to model the smoothness assumption. Both are formulated as geometrically based regularization terms to constrain the embedding task. We empirically evaluate SSE in two benchmark tasks of ...
Shu Guo, Quan Wang, Bin Wang, Lihong Wang, Li Guo
Added 13 Apr 2016
Updated 13 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where ACL
Authors Shu Guo, Quan Wang, Bin Wang, Lihong Wang, Li Guo
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