

Semantics-Aware Malware Detection

14 years 8 months ago
Semantics-Aware Malware Detection
A malware detector is a system that attempts to determine whether a program has malicious intent. In order to evade detection, malware writers (hackers) frequently use obfuscation to morph malware. Malware detectors that use a pattern-matching approach (such as commercial virus scanners) are susceptible to obfuscations used by hackers. The fundamental deficiency in the pattern-matching approach to malware detection is that it is purely syntactic and ignores the semantics of instructions. In this paper, we present a malwaredetection algorithm that addresses this deficiency by incorporating instruction semantics to detect malicious program traits. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our malware-detection algorithm can detect variants of malware with a relatively low run-time overhead. Moreover, our semantics-aware malware detection algorithm is resilient to common obfuscations used by hackers.
Mihai Christodorescu, Somesh Jha, Sanjit A. Seshia
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SP
Authors Mihai Christodorescu, Somesh Jha, Sanjit A. Seshia, Dawn Xiaodong Song, Randal E. Bryant
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