

Sensing lena-massively distributed compression of sensor images

15 years 3 months ago
Sensing lena-massively distributed compression of sensor images
We consider the sensor broadcast problem: in our setup, sensors measure each one pixel of an image that unfolds over a field, and broadcast a rate constrained encoding of their measurements to every other sensor--the goal is for all sensors to form an estimate of the entire image. In recent work, we proposed a protocol that uses wavelets to decorrelate sensor data, taking advantage of the compact support of the basis functions to keep costly inter-sensor communication at a minimum. In this paper, we prove an asymptotic optimality result for these protocols: the rate of growth for the traffic they generate is ??????????? ( nodes, total distortion ), matching exactly the rate of growth of the rate/distortion function. We thus close the gap between theory and practice for this new form of massively distributed (one pixel/sensor) image compression, by providing the first efficient and provably optimal algorithms to solve the sensor broadcast problem.
Sergio D. Servetto
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Sergio D. Servetto
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