

Sequential Bundle-Bid Single-Sale Auction Algorithms for Decentralized Control

14 years 1 months ago
Sequential Bundle-Bid Single-Sale Auction Algorithms for Decentralized Control
We study auction-like algorithms for the distributed allocation of tasks to cooperating agents. To reduce the team cost of sequential single-item auction algorithms, we generalize them to assign more than one additional task during each round, which increases their similarity to combinatorial auction algorithms. We show that, for a given number of additional tasks to be assigned during each round, every agent needs to submit only a constant number of bids per round and the runtime of winner determination is linear in the number of agents. The communication and winner determination costs do not depend on the number of tasks and thus scale to a large number of tasks for small bundle sizes. We then demonstrate empirically that the team cost of sequential bundlebid single-sale (= single-item) auction algorithms can be substantially smaller than that without bundles for multiagent routing problems with capacity constraints.
Sven Koenig, Craig A. Tovey, Xiaoming Zheng, Ilgaz
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Sven Koenig, Craig A. Tovey, Xiaoming Zheng, Ilgaz Sungur
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