

Service Composition for SDIs: Integrated Components Creation

14 years 6 months ago
Service Composition for SDIs: Integrated Components Creation
We describe a methodology for creating composite web services, a key ingredient in spatial data infrastructure (SDI) applications, which we demonstrate on an emergency management use case. The methodology uses three basic processes independent of the concrete implementation: Service ion Process, Service Composition Process, and Translation Process. These processes share the concept of integrated component composed of two key aspects: a component-style composition of complex services together with a specific set of workflow patterns. We propose a novel model that implements the steps of such methodology, providing an efficient manner for developing service compositions and enhancing the expressiveness of target composition languages like BPEL4WS. Here we focus on the ion of the Service Abstraction Process and the relationships among its grounded elements --services, components, and workflow patterns--, which form the basis of an integrated component, for enhancing the service compositi...
Carlos Granell, Michael Gould, Francisco Ramos
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Carlos Granell, Michael Gould, Francisco Ramos
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