

Service Roaming over Mobile Networks: A Reality Check

14 years 8 months ago
Service Roaming over Mobile Networks: A Reality Check
—Today, international mobile roaming (IMR) is experiencing changes both in terms of technology and business models. Traditionally, voice and SMS have been the only services offered to roaming users with no possibility of accessing destination content (content offered in the visited country). However, with recent advances in technology, new and advanced multimedia services are emerging in the mobile market, creating opportunities for new and existing players in the IMR market and thereby increasing the need for service roaming. Often, implementation of technology and availability of services are dependent upon the existence of sound business models which create value for all the players involved. The paper conducts a feasibility assessment of service roaming by identifying some of the main business issues and its current approach towards roaming users and services which can act as hindrance to the successful implementation of service roaming. Mobile TV is considered as an example serv...
K. R. Renjish Kumar
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors K. R. Renjish Kumar
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