

SG-0: A small standard grid for DFT quadrature on large systems

14 years 12 days ago
SG-0: A small standard grid for DFT quadrature on large systems
: We report the development of a new standard quadrature grid for DFT calculations. Standard Grid 0 (SG-0) is designed to be approximately half as large as, and to provide approximately half the accuracy of, the established SG-1 grid. It is based on MultiExp and Lebedev quadrature for radial and angular coordinates, respectively. We find that SG-0 is typically 50% faster than SG-1 for energy, gradient, and hessian calculations for the exchange
Siu-Hung Chien, Peter M. W. Gill
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JCC
Authors Siu-Hung Chien, Peter M. W. Gill
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