

Shadowplay: Simulated Illumination in Game Worlds

14 years 8 months ago
Shadowplay: Simulated Illumination in Game Worlds
Despite the fact that there are currently a number of enjoyable digital games in which light plays a key role, we lack a vocabulary with which to discuss simulated illumination in game worlds. An understanding of lighting practices in other media, such as 3d computer-generated animation and film, must be supplemented with an awareness of real-space disciplines such as architectural lighting if we are to grasp the complexity of the game lighting design task. But game design is more than a repository for existing lighting practices; the interactive nature of games allows for self-reflexive sensitivity to light to emerge, most clearly manifested in games described as “first person sneakers” and “survival-horror” games. Keywords Lighting design, game lighting It has long been a commonplace in gaming communities that “good graphics does not equal good gameplay.” Originally growing partly out of resistance to hardware industry agendas, this platitude has, in extreme expressions,...
Simon Niedenthal
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Simon Niedenthal
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