

A Shape-Navigated Image Deformation Model for 4D Lung Respiratory Motion Estimation

14 years 8 months ago
A Shape-Navigated Image Deformation Model for 4D Lung Respiratory Motion Estimation
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for cancers in the lung remains challenging due to the complicated respiratory dynamics. We propose a shape-navigated dense image deformation model to estimate the patient-specific breathing motion using 4D respiratory correlated CT (RCCT) images . The idea is to use the shape change of the lungs, the major motion feature in the thorax image, as a surrogate to predict the corresponding dense image deformation from training. To build the statistical model, dense diffeomorphic deformations between images of all other time points to the image at end expiration are calculated, and the shapes of the lungs are automatically extracted. By correlating the shape variation with the temporally corresponding image deformation variation, a linear mapping function that maps a shape change to its corresponding image deformation is calculated from the training sample. Finally, given an extracted shape from the image at an arbitrary time point, its dense i...
Xiaoxiao Liu, Rohit R. Saboo, Stephen M. Pizer, Gi
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ISBI
Authors Xiaoxiao Liu, Rohit R. Saboo, Stephen M. Pizer, Gig S. Mageras
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