

Shape Prior Criterion Based On Tchebichef Moments In Variational Region Growing

15 years 2 months ago
Shape Prior Criterion Based On Tchebichef Moments In Variational Region Growing
Region growing has become a popular method for 3D segmentation. Starting from a seed, this approach allows one to extract a region by merging all its neighbors and comparing the extracted region to a reference. Here, we present an alternative approach to constrain the evolution of the region growing method in respect to a fixed reference shape. This approach is based on a shape description by the Tchebichef moments. The evolution equation minimizes a function that represents the distance between the evolving region and the reference shape. Experimental results show the ability of our method to drive the segmentation towards a desired shape in 2D and 3D data. Finally, we apply our shape prior conjointly to a bimodal segmentation functional, showing its benefits on segmentation results.
Added 10 Nov 2009
Updated 26 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICIP
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