

Shape Segmentation and Applications in Sensor Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Shape Segmentation and Applications in Sensor Networks
—Many sensor network protocols in the literature implicitly assume that sensor nodes are deployed uniformly inside a simple geometric region. When the real deployment deviates from that, we often observe degraded performance. It is desirable to have a generic approach to handle a sensor field with complex shape. In this paper, we propose a segmentation algorithm that partitions an irregular sensor field into nicely shaped pieces such that algorithms and protocols that assume a nice sensor field can be applied inside each piece. Across the segments, problem dependent structures specify how the segments and data collected in these segments are integrated. This unified topology-adaptive spatial partitioning would benefit many settings that currently assume a nicely shaped sensor field. Our segmentation algorithm does not require sensor locations and only uses network connectivity information. Each node is given a ‘flow direction’ that directs away from the network boundary. A...
Xianjin Zhu, Rik Sarkar, Jie Gao
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Xianjin Zhu, Rik Sarkar, Jie Gao
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