

Shape-From-Silhouette of Articulated Objects and its Use for Human Body Kinematics Estimation and Motion Capture

15 years 3 months ago
Shape-From-Silhouette of Articulated Objects and its Use for Human Body Kinematics Estimation and Motion Capture
Shape-From-Silhouette (SFS), also known as Visual Hull (VH) construction, is a popular 3D reconstruction method which estimates the shape of an object from multiple silhouette images. The original SFS formulation assumes that all of the silhouette images are captured either at the same time or while the object is static. This assumption is violated when the object moves or changes shape. Hence the use of SFS with moving objects has been restricted to treating each time instant sequentially and independently. Recently we have successfully extended the traditional SFS formulation to refine the shape of a rigidly moving object over time. Here we further extend SFS to apply to dynamic articulated objects. Given silhouettes of a moving articulated object, the process of recovering the shape and motion requires two steps: (1) correctly segmenting (points on the boundary of) the silhouettes to each articulated part of the object, (2) estimating the motion of each individual part using the se...
German K. M. Cheung, Simon Baker, Takeo Kanade
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CVPR
Authors German K. M. Cheung, Simon Baker, Takeo Kanade
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