Driven by the goal of automating data analyses in the field of bioinformatics, SHARE (Semantic Health and Research Environment) is a specialized SPARQL engine that resolves queries against Web Services and SPARQL endpoints. Developed in conjunction with SHARE, SADI (Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration) is a standard for native-RDF services that facilitates the automated assembly of services into workflows, thereby eliminating the need for ad hoc scripting in the construction of a bioinformatics analysis pipeline. The SHARE Query System The task of coordinating datasets and software packages from different research laboratories is a recurring practical problem in bioinformatics [1]. While the size, quantity, and diversity of bioinformatics resources continues to grow rapidly, there are still no widely adopted standards for encoding data or designing software interfaces. As a result, the orchestration of bioinformatics analyses typically requires a large time investment for stud...
Benjamin P. Vandervalk, E. Luke McCarthy, Mark D.