

Sharing Perspectives on Community-Centered Design and International Development

14 years 3 months ago
Sharing Perspectives on Community-Centered Design and International Development
Our work with communities in developing countries suggests that HCI practice is a long way from maturity in these contexts. With this SIG, we are seeking to build on a CHI2007 workshop that brought together 50 people to share experience and plan a more integrated approach to the challenges of supporting international development with ICT. We would like to engage a wider cross-section of the community in considering the demands of researching and delivering meaningful design for countries with very different needs from those in the Global North. Our focus will be on issues of development and participation and the impact of differing values in our work.
Mike Best, Andrew M. Dearden, Susan M. Dray, Ann L
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mike Best, Andrew M. Dearden, Susan M. Dray, Ann Light, John C. Thomas, Celeste Buckhalter, Dan Greenblatt, Shanks Krishnan, Nithya Sambasivan
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