

A short note on compressed sensing with partially known signal support

13 years 11 months ago
A short note on compressed sensing with partially known signal support
This short note studies a variation of the Compressed Sensing paradigm introduced recently by Vaswani et al., i.e. the recovery of sparse signals from a certain number of linear measurements when the signal support is partially known. The reconstruction method is based on a convex minimization program coined innovative Basis Pursuit DeNoise (or i BPDN). Under the common 2-fidelity constraint made on the available measurements, this optimization promotes the ( 1) sparsity of the candidate signal over the complement of this known part. In particular, this paper extends the results of Vaswani et al. to the cases of compressible signals and noisy measurements. Our proof relies on a small adaption of the results of Candes in 2008 for characterizing the stability of the Basis Pursuit DeNoise (BPDN) program. We emphasize also an interesting link between our method and the recent work of Davenport et al. on the δ-stable embeddings and the cancel-then-recover strategy applied to our problem....
Laurent Jacques
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Laurent Jacques
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