

Shorter Time-To-Market Through a Pattern-Driven Architectural Framework

14 years 3 months ago
Shorter Time-To-Market Through a Pattern-Driven Architectural Framework
Developing and evolving complex Web-based systems with strict requirement for shorter time-to-market needs good and systematic engineering approaches and especially an elegant way to utilize reuse. In this paper we present an architectural framework to capture high-level design decisions for web-based systems. The framework is driven from two patterns: Layers pattern and Model-View-Controller pattern. Patterns selection comes directly from the goals of managing complexity, encapsulating change and maximizing reuse. These goals, in turn enable us to achieve shorter time-to-market. Another benefit of the framework is its compatibility with existing methods and techniques. As a consequence, it serves as a unified framework to accommodate these issues, and enable the utilization of one or more of them to achieve maximum reuse. KEYWORDS Shorter time-to-market, Web-based system, reuse, patter-driven, design reuse
Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane
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