We describe a new interactive system for 3D design review, built to exploit the visual perception cue of motion parallax, in order to enhance shape perception and aesthetic evaluation. Traditional CAD applications typically use “bookmarked” static views for design evaluation. In our system, we replace static views with moving “shots” interspersed with cinematic visual transitions. Furthermore, users can access shots by picking object features on the 3D model, which invokes a spatial search over all shots, selects the ones deemed relevant to the feature, and plays back those shots. In this paper we describe the rationale behind this system, the main components, the implementation of the search technique, and the initial user evaluation of the system. Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques – Interaction Techniques; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces And Presentation (HCI)]: User Interfaces – Interaction styles, Input devices and ...
Nicholas Burtnyk, Azam Khan, George W. Fitzmaurice