

Simple, Robust Autonomous Grasping in Unstructured Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Simple, Robust Autonomous Grasping in Unstructured Environments
—The inherent uncertainty associated with unstructured grasping tasks makes establishing a successful grasp difficult. Traditional approaches to this problem involve hands that are complex, fragile, require elaborate sensor suites, and are difficult to control. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel autonomous grasping system that is both simple and robust. The four-fingered hand is driven by a single actuator, yet can grasp objects spanning a wide range of size, shape, and mass. The hand is constructed using polymer-based Shape Deposition Manufacturing, with joints formed by elastomeric flexures and actuator and sensor components embedded in tough rigid polymers. The hand has superior robustness properties, able to withstand large impacts without damage and capable of grasping objects in the presence of large positioning errors. We present experimental results showing that the hand mounted on a three degree of freedom manipulator arm can reliably grasp 5 cm-scale objects in the prese...
Aaron M. Dollar, Robert D. Howe
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICRA
Authors Aaron M. Dollar, Robert D. Howe
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