

A Simple Security-Aware MOP for Java

14 years 7 months ago
A Simple Security-Aware MOP for Java
This article investigates the security problems raised by the use of proxy-based runtime meta-object protocols (MOPs) for Java and provides an approach for making meta-level code transparent to baselevel code, security-wise. We prove that, but giving all permissions only to the kernel of the MOP and by using Java's built-in mechanism for propagating security contexts, the permissions required by base-level and meta-level code do not interfere. We illustrate this result in the context of a simple proxy-based runtime MOP that we wrote.
Denis Caromel, Fabrice Huet, Julien Vayssiè
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Denis Caromel, Fabrice Huet, Julien Vayssière
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