

A Simple Synchronous Distributed-Memory Algorithm for the HPCC RandomAccess Benchmark

14 years 7 months ago
A Simple Synchronous Distributed-Memory Algorithm for the HPCC RandomAccess Benchmark
The RandomAccess benchmark as defined by the High Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC) tests the speed at which a machine can update the elements of a table spread across global system memory, as measured in billions (giga) of updates per second (GUPS). The parallel implementation provided by HPCC typically performs poorly on distributed-memory machines, due to updates requiring numerous small point-to-point messages between processors. We present an alternative algorithm which treats the collection of P processors as a hypercube, aggregating data so that larger messages are sent, and routing individual datums through dimensions of the hypercube to their destination processor. The algorithm’s computation (the GUP count) scales linearly with P while its communication overhead scales as log2(P), thus enabling better performance on large numbers of processors. The new algorithm achieves a GUPS rate of 19.98 on 8192 processors of San
Steven J. Plimpton, Ron Brightwell, Courtenay Vaug
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Steven J. Plimpton, Ron Brightwell, Courtenay Vaughan, Keith D. Underwood, Mike Davis
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