

Simplifying spline models

14 years 19 days ago
Simplifying spline models
We present a new approach for simplifying models composed of rational spline patches. Given an input model, the algorithm computes a new approximation of the model in terms of cubic triangular B ezier patches. It performs a series of geometric operations, consisting of patch merging and swapping diagonals, and makes use of patch connectivity information to generate C-LODs curved levelsof-detail. Each C-LOD is represented using cubic triangular B ezier patches. The C-LOD's provide a compact representation for storing the model. We also present techniques to quantify the error introduced by our algorithm. Given the C-LODs, the tessellation algorithms can generate the spline model's polygonal approximations using static and dynamic tessellation schemes. The simpli cation algorithm has been implemented and we highlight its performance on a number of models. Supported in part by a Sloan fellowship, ARO Contract P-34982-MA, NSF CAREER award CCR-9625217, ONR Young Investigator Awar...
M. Gopi, Dinesh Manocha
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Authors M. Gopi, Dinesh Manocha
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