

Simulating Haul Durations for Linear Scheduling

14 years 3 months ago
Simulating Haul Durations for Linear Scheduling
A major portion of highway construction work is comprised of linear activities. A linear activity is one that progresses along a path (non-stationary), as it does it is complete and another activity can proceed. Traditional scheduling methods model linear activities as having constant production rates. Linear scheduling allows an activity to be modeled as a line with dimensions of time and location. The slope of the line at any point represents the planned productivity rate of the activity. Predicting the productivity of linear activities is a scheduler's most difficult task. Simulation can be used to give planners greater insight into the factors that influence an activity's production rate.
David J. Harmelink, Maria Andrea Bernal
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where WSC
Authors David J. Harmelink, Maria Andrea Bernal
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