

Simultaneous SDR optimality via a joint matrix decomposition

13 years 6 months ago
Simultaneous SDR optimality via a joint matrix decomposition
Abstract—This work considers the joint source-channel problem of transmitting a Gaussian source over a two-user multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel. We show the existence of non-trivial channels, where the optimal distortion pair (which for high signal-to-noise ratios equals the point-topoint distortions of the individual users) may be achieved. A condition for existence of a joint triangularization of the MIMO channels which shapes the ratio of the diagonals to a desired form is derived. Whenever possible, all diagonal elements but one are made equal. We then employ a hybrid digital-analog scheme to the source, where the digital part is sent over the equal subchannels and the analog refinement is sent over the remaining one.
Yuval Kochman, Anatoly Khina, Uri Erez
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Yuval Kochman, Anatoly Khina, Uri Erez
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