This paper describes the first participation of the SINAI1 group of the University of Ja´en in TRECVID 2007. We have only participated in the automatic search task. Our approach is a very simple system made up of three main modules: the text-based retrieval subsystem, the image-based retrieval subsystem and the fusion module. We have submitted several runs exploring fusion of both textual and visual lists. Also the effect of text expansion in the topics has been of our concern: • F C 1 SINAI 1: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features and topics without text expansion. • F C 2 SINAI 2: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features and topics with text expansion. • F C 2 SINAI 3: Baseline run using only visual test data. • F C 2 SINAI 4: Run using text and visual features mixing the text shots recovered from text-based retrieval subsystem and image shots recovered from image-based retrieval subsystem, following the RoundRobin[7] algorithm. • F C 2 SINAI 5: Run using tex...
Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano, José M.