

A situated approach to enterprise architecture management

14 years 1 months ago
A situated approach to enterprise architecture management
Abstract—Today’s enterprises are confronted with a challenging environment that demands continuous transformations. Globalized markets, disruptive technological innovations, and new legal regulations call for enterprises, which flexibly adapt to these requirements. A commonly accepted means to guide such enterprise transformations is enterprise architecture (EA) management. Enterprises seeking to introduce and establish such a management function see themselves confronted via a plethora of tools, approaches, and frameworks that claim to provide ”the definitive design prescriptions” for an EA management function. The applicability of the different prescriptions nevertheless heavily depends on the organizational context and the EA-related goals that the enterprise wants to pursue. This paper presents an extensible set of selection guidelines, that helps enterprises to choose the EA management approach best suited for their goals and context. These selection guidelines are linke...
Sabine Buckl, Christian M. Schweda, Florian Matthe
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SMC
Authors Sabine Buckl, Christian M. Schweda, Florian Matthes
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