

Skeleton Composition Using Remote Data

14 years 9 months ago
Skeleton Composition Using Remote Data
Abstract. Skeletons simplify parallel programming by providing general patterns of parallel computations. When several skeletons are used inside the same program, skeleton composition usually leads to aggregation and redistribution of the intermediate data on a single process. Though the programmer can overcome the performance loss at a lower abstraction by altering the existing skeletons or not using them at all. A high-level concept like skeleton-based programming, however, calls for a more general solution. Remote data provides runtime mechanisms that allow declaratively specified processes to access other processes’ data via remote handles. This enables the programmer to easily build complex skeletons by combining simpler ones. Skeletons can be composed without the drawback of collecting and then redistributing the data in between two skeleton instances. Another advantage is that skeletons which inherently depend on their inner communication patterns are easily implemented using...
Mischa Dieterle, Thomas Horstmeyer, Rita Loogen
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where PADL
Authors Mischa Dieterle, Thomas Horstmeyer, Rita Loogen
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