

SLA-Driven Adaptive Resource Management for Web Applications on a Heterogeneous Compute Cloud

14 years 7 months ago
SLA-Driven Adaptive Resource Management for Web Applications on a Heterogeneous Compute Cloud
Current service-level agreements (SLAs) offered by cloud providers make guarantees about quality attributes such as availability. However, although one of the most important quality attributes from the perspective of the users of a cloud-based Web application is its response time, current SLAs do not guarantee response time. Satisfying a maximum average response time guarantee for Web applications is difficult due to unpredictable traffic patterns, but in this paper we show how it can be accomplished through dynamic resource allocation in a virtual Web farm. We present the design and implementation of a working prototype built on a EUCALYPTUS-based heterogeneous compute cloud that actively monitors the response time of each virtual machine assigned to the farm and adaptively scales up the application to satisfy a SLA promising a specific average response time. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in an experimental evaluation with a testbed cloud and a synthetic workload. ...
Waheed Iqbal, Matthew Dailey, David N. Carrera
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Waheed Iqbal, Matthew Dailey, David N. Carrera
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