

SlideBar: Analysis of a linear input device

14 years 23 days ago
SlideBar: Analysis of a linear input device
The SlideBar is a physical linear input device for absolute position control of one degree of freedom, consisting of a physical slider with a graspable knob positioned near or attached to the keyboard. Its range of motion is directly mapped to a one dimensional input widget such as a scrollbar. The SlideBar provides absolute position control in one dimension, is usable in the non-dominant hand in conjunction with a pointing device, and offers constrained passive haptic feedback. These characteristics make the device appropriate for the common class of tasks characterized by one-dimensional input and constrained range of operation. An empirical study of three devices (SlideBar, mouse controlled scrollbar, and mousewheel) shows that for common scrolling tasks, the SlideBar has a significant advantage over a standard mouse controlled scrollbar in both speed and user preference and an advantage over the mousewheel in user preference.
Leslie E. Chipman, Benjamin B. Bederson, Jennifer
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Leslie E. Chipman, Benjamin B. Bederson, Jennifer Golbeck
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