

Small Stretch Spanners on Dynamic Graphs

14 years 8 months ago
Small Stretch Spanners on Dynamic Graphs
We present fully dynamic algorithms for maintaining 3- and 5-spanners of undirected graphs under a sequence of update operations. For unweighted graphs we maintain a 3or 5-spanner under insertions and deletions of edges; each operation is performed in O(n) amortized time over a sequence of Ω(n) updates. The maintained 3-spanner (resp., 5-spanner) has O(n3/2 ) edges (resp., O(n4/3 ) edges), which is known to be optimal. On weighted graphs with d different edge cost values, we maintain a 3- or 5-spanner in O(n) amortized time over a sequence of Ω(d · n) updates. The maintained 3-spanner (resp., 5-spanner) has O(d · n3/2 ) edges (resp., O(d · n4/3 ) edges). The same approach can be extended to graphs with realvalued edge costs in the range [1, C]. All our algorithms are deterministic and are substantially faster than recomputing a spanner from scratch after each update.
Giorgio Ausiello, Paolo Giulio Franciosa, Giuseppe
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ESA
Authors Giorgio Ausiello, Paolo Giulio Franciosa, Giuseppe F. Italiano
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