

Small Strictly Convex Quadrilateral Meshes of Point Sets

14 years 7 days ago
Small Strictly Convex Quadrilateral Meshes of Point Sets
In this paper we give upper and lower bounds on the number of Steiner points required to construct a strictly convex quadrilateral mesh for a planar point set. In particular, we show that 3 n/2 internal Steiner points are always sufficient for a convex quadrilateral mesh of n points in the plane. Furthermore, for any given n 4, there are point sets for which (n - 3)/2 - 1 Steiner points are necessary for a convex quadrilateral mesh. Key Words. Quadrilateral mesh, Convex, Quadrangulation, Bounded size, Finite elements, Interpolation.
David Bremner, Ferran Hurtado, Suneeta Ramaswami,
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where CORR
Authors David Bremner, Ferran Hurtado, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristan
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