Concentric mosaics offer a quick solution to construct a virtual copy of a real environment, and navigate in the virtual environment. However, the huge amount of data associated with concentric mosaics is a heavy burden for its application. A 3D wavelet transform-based compressor has been proposed in previous work to compress the concentric mosaics. In this paper, we greatly improve the performance of the 3D wavelet coder with a data rearrangement mechanism called “smart rebinning”. The proposed scheme first aligns the concentric mosaic image shots along the horizontal direction and then rebins the shots into multiperspective panoramas. Smart rebinning greatly improves the cross shot correlation and enables the coder to better explore the redundancy among shots. Experimental results show that the performance of the 3D wavelet coder improves an average of 4.3dB with the use of smart rebinning. The proposed coder outperforms MPEG-2 coding of concentric mosaics by an average of 3.7dB...