

Smooth Boosting for Margin-Based Ranking

14 years 9 months ago
Smooth Boosting for Margin-Based Ranking
We propose a new boosting algorithm for bipartite ranking problems. Our boosting algorithm, called SoftRankBoost, is a modification of RankBoost which maintains only smooth distributions over data. SoftRankBoost provably achieves approximately the maximum soft margin over all pairs of positive and negative examples, which implies high AUC score for future data.
Jun-ichi Moribe, Kohei Hatano, Eiji Takimoto, Masa
Added 14 Mar 2010
Updated 14 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ALT
Authors Jun-ichi Moribe, Kohei Hatano, Eiji Takimoto, Masayuki Takeda
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