

Smooth Collision Avoidance: Practical Issues in Dynamic Humanoid Motion

14 years 6 months ago
Smooth Collision Avoidance: Practical Issues in Dynamic Humanoid Motion
— In this paper we address smooth and collision-free whole-body motion planning for humanoid robots. A two-stage iterative planning framework is introduced where geometric motion planner and dynamic pattern generator interacts by exchanging the trajectory, to obtain 3D whole-body dynamic motions simultaneous tasks including locomotion, in complex environments. We propose a practical method for smooth motion reshaping to avoid collisions in generated dynamic motion. Based on motion editing techniques in computer graphics animation, smooth collision-avoiding motion is generated through trajectory deformation. The validity of the proposed reshaping method is verified by computer simulations and experiments using humanoid platform HRP-2.
Eiichi Yoshida, Claudia Esteves, Takeshi Sakaguchi
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Eiichi Yoshida, Claudia Esteves, Takeshi Sakaguchi, Jean-Paul Laumond, Kazuhito Yokoi
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