

Soft-commissioning: hardware-in-the-loop-based verification of controller software

14 years 1 months ago
Soft-commissioning: hardware-in-the-loop-based verification of controller software
The basic idea of Soft-Commissioning (SoftCom) is to test industrial control software by connecting a controller, e. g. a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to a commercial discrete event simulator (DES), which provides system reactions and sensor signals similar to the behavior of real hardware, e. g. an industrial manufacturing line. In order to establish a connection between simulator and PLC, a modular architecture was developed. The basis of this modular system is a communication protocol common to all members. The two basic modules are the I/O Devices Driver (IODD), which is used to interface between the I/O hardware and the SoftCom protocol, and the Simulator to real World Interface (SWI). The SWI is used to link the simulator to the SoftCom system.
Harald Schludermann, Thomas Kirchmair, Markus Vord
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WSC
Authors Harald Schludermann, Thomas Kirchmair, Markus Vorderwinkler
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