

Soft Failure Detection Using Factorial Hidden Markov Models

14 years 3 months ago
Soft Failure Detection Using Factorial Hidden Markov Models
In modern business, educational, and other settings, it is common to provide a digital network that interconnects hardware devices for shared access by the users (e.g., in an office where printers are available for use by all the office workers). In such a context, so-called “soft” failures, where a device silently starts working in degraded mode, may easily go un-noticed for a long time, resulting in potential productivity loss. It is therefore advantageous to enable system administrators to identify soft failures at an early stage. We propose here a probabilistic method using variational inference on a factorial hidden Markov model to automatically discover soft failures, based on the analysis of simple usage information which is normally logged by the network infrastructure. We propose to mine these logs in order to discover statistically significant deviations in the usage behaviour of the overall infrastructure, and we identify such deviations with soft failures, or, in an...
Guillaume Bouchard, Jean-Marc Andreoli
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Guillaume Bouchard, Jean-Marc Andreoli
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