

Software Environments For Cluster-Based Display Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Software Environments For Cluster-Based Display Systems
An inexpensive way to construct a scalable display wall system is to use a cluster of PCs with commodity graphics accelerators to drive an array of projectors. A challenge is to bring off-the-shelf sequential applications to run on such a display wall efficiently without using expensive, high-performance interconnects. This paper studies two execution models for a scalable display wall system: master-slave and synchronized execution models. We have designed and implemented four software tools, two for each execution model, including VDD (Virtual Display Driver), GLP (GL-DLL Replacement), SSE (System-level Synchronized Execution), and ASE (Application-level Synchronized Execution). In order to support the synchronized execution model, we have also designed a broadcast, speculative file cache to provide scalable I/O performance. The paper reports our experimental results with several 3D applications on the display wall to understand the performance implications and tradeoffs of these me...
Han Chen, Douglas W. Clark, Zhiyan Liu, Grant Wall
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Han Chen, Douglas W. Clark, Zhiyan Liu, Grant Wallace, Kai Li, Yuqun Chen
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