

Software performance modelling using PEPA nets

14 years 6 months ago
Software performance modelling using PEPA nets
Modelling and analysing distributed and mobile software systems is a challenging task. PEPA nets—coloured stochastic Petri nets—are a recently introduced modelling formalism which clearly capture important features such as location, synchronisation and message passing. In this paper we describe PEPA nets and the newly-developed platform support for software performance modelling using them. Crucial to this support is the compilation from PEPA nets into Hillston’s PEPA stochastic process algebra in order to access the software tools which support the PEPA algebra. In addition to derivation of steady state performance measures, this suite of tools allows properties of the system to be verified using model-checking. We show the application of PEPA nets in the modelling and analysis of a secure Web service. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.1 [ Software Engineering ]: Requirements / Specifications — Methodologies ; D.3.2 [ Programming Languages ]: Language Classifications ;...
Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston, Leïla Kloul,
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WOSP
Authors Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston, Leïla Kloul, Marina Ribaudo
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