

On Some Implementation Issues for Value Prediction on Wide-Issue ILP Processors

14 years 6 months ago
On Some Implementation Issues for Value Prediction on Wide-Issue ILP Processors
In this paper, we look at two issues which could affect the performance of value prediction on wide-issue ILP processors. One is the large number of accesses to the value prediction tables needed in each machine cycle, and the other is the latency required to update stale values in the value prediction tables. We introduce a prediction value cache (PVC) which augments the instruction cache to hold the prediction values. Using the PVC, we not only can provide required bandwidth to access multiple prediction values needed in each machine cycle, but also allow us to decouple the value prediction fromthe critical path in the instruction fetch stage. We use a hybrid value predictor with dynamic classification to perform value prediction in the write back stage, and assume a realistic number of read/write ports, e.g. 2 read/write ports, with queues in their prediction tables. We found good performance for a 8 -issue processor using simulations. We also found that, in a 8-issue processor usi...
Sang Jeong Lee, Pen-Chung Yew
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Sang Jeong Lee, Pen-Chung Yew
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