

Sound and Complete Query Answering in Intensional P2P Data Integration

13 years 9 months ago
Sound and Complete Query Answering in Intensional P2P Data Integration
Contemporary use of the term ’intension’ derives from the traditional logical doctrine that an idea has both an extension and an intension. In this paper we introduce an intensional FOL (First-order-logic) for P2P systems by fusing the Bealer’s intensional algebraic FOL with the S5 possible-world semantics of the Montague, we define the intensional equivalence relation for this logic and the weak deductive inference for it. The notion of ontology has become widespread in semantic Web. The meaning of concepts and views defined over some database ontology can be considered as intensional objects which have particular extension in some possible world: for instance in the actual world. Thus, non invasive mapping between completely independent peer databases in a P2P systems can be naturally specified by the set of couples of intensionally equivalent views, which have the same mining (intension), over two different peers. Such a kind of mapping has very different semantics from the...
Zoran Majkic
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Zoran Majkic
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