

Soundness Preserving Approximation for TBox Reasoning in R

14 years 1 months ago
Soundness Preserving Approximation for TBox Reasoning in R
Abstract. TBox reasoning in description logics is hard. For example, reasoning in SROIQ (i.e. OWL2-DL) is N2EXPTIME-complete; even with R, a fragment of SROIQ supporting ALC GCIs and role chains, the complexity of reasoning is 2EXPTIME-hard. Although various optimisation techniques have been applied, existing tableau-based DL reasoners are still inefficient in dealing with arbitrary GCIs especially when complex role chains present. In this paper, we present a soundness preserving approximation for TBox reasoning in R. The main idea is to convert R ontologies to EL+ with an additional complement table maintaining the complementary relations between named concepts. Since existing benchmarks do not focus on complex GCIs and RIs, we propose a new set of testing ontologies for TBox reasoning in R and our preliminary evaluation shows that a naive implementation of our complement-integrated TBox reasoning algorithm outperforms existing reasoners on most of these ontologies.
Yuan Ren, Jeff Z. Pan, Yuting Zhao
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where DLOG
Authors Yuan Ren, Jeff Z. Pan, Yuting Zhao
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