

SpaceTwist: Managing the Trade-Offs Among Location Privacy, Query Performance, and Query Accuracy in Mobile Services

15 years 4 months ago
SpaceTwist: Managing the Trade-Offs Among Location Privacy, Query Performance, and Query Accuracy in Mobile Services
In a mobile service scenario, users query a server for nearby points of interest but they may not want to disclose their locations to the service. Intuitively, location privacy may be obtained at the cost of query performance and query accuracy. The challenge addressed is how to obtain the best possible performance, subjected to given requirements for location privacy and query accuracy. Existing privacy solutions that use spatial cloaking employ complex server query processing techniques and entail the transmission of large quantities of intermediate result. Solutions that use transformation-based matching generally fall short in offering practical query accuracy guarantees. Our proposed framework, called SpaceTwist, rectifies these shortcomings for k nearest neighbor (kNN) queries. Starting with a location different from the user's actual location, nearest neighbors are retrieved incrementally until the query is answered correctly by the mobile terminal. This approach is flexibl...
Man Lung Yiu, Christian S. Jensen, Xuegang Huang,
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICDE
Authors Man Lung Yiu, Christian S. Jensen, Xuegang Huang, Hua Lu
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