

Spark: top-k keyword query in relational databases

15 years 18 days ago
Spark: top-k keyword query in relational databases
With the increasing amount of text data stored in relational databases, there is a demand for RDBMS to support keyword queries over text data. As a search result is often assembled from multiple relational tables, traditional IR-style ranking and query evaluation methods cannot be applied directly. In this paper, we study the effectiveness and the efficiency issues of answering top-k keyword query in relational database systems. We propose a new ranking formula by adapting existing IR techniques based on a natural notion of virtual document. Compared with previous approaches, our new ranking method is simple yet effective, and agrees with human perceptions. We also study efficient query processing methods for the new ranking method, and propose algorithms that have minimal accesses to the database. We have conducted extensive experiments on large-scale real databases using two popular RDBMSs. The experimental results demonstrate significant improvement to the alternative approaches in...
Yi Luo, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang 0011, Xiaofang Zhou
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Yi Luo, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang 0011, Xiaofang Zhou
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